
Jr. Full Stack Developer



As a programmer, I'm passionate about creating innovative and efficient solutions using the latest technologies. My experience includes both front-end and back-end development, allowing me to build complete and functional web applications. In addition to my programming skills, I'm also a creative designer. I love combining my technical knowledge with visually appealing aesthetics to create intuitive and enjoyable user interfaces. Furthermore, I'm always seeking opportunities to learn new skills and stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends. I have worked on several personal projects that are currently available on my GitHub profile. These projects reflect my dedication and passion for programming, demonstrating my ability to tackle challenges and solve problems.


Front End Developer

As a Front-End developer, I'm responsible for designing and programming user interfaces that can be used by the client. I have experience in UX/UI and I love creating new and innovative things.

Back End Developer

As a Back-End developer, I'm responsible for creating software that handles server-side systems and provides functionality to fully optimized Front-End systems. I also have experience in working with databases like MySQL, SQLite3, and PostgreSQL.

Graphic Designer

As a graphic designer, I'm responsible for creating designs for logos, banners, web pages, and much more. I draw inspiration from modern and minimalist designs to provide a better visual experience to the viewer.

Software Developer

As a software developer, I'm responsible for creating computer programs for general software, web applications, desktop applications, and mobile applications. I also create back-end applications such as APIs, Python and JavaScript libraries, among others.

Minecraft Server Configurator

Additionally, I specialize in creating Minecraft Servers/Networks using a wide variety of paid and free tools and plugins. Currently, I'm working on a project called Democracy Network, a constantly evolving Minecraft Network where I currently hold the role of Developer or Configurator.